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Well I hope you have had a chance to take at least a moment or two to sit and reflect on everything the Lord brought us through in 2013. I'm sure I'm not the only one that can look back with a painful grimace on a few things that took place. I can think of quite a few struggles and heartbreaks that the Lord didn't let me in on in advance. I know why He didn't! I probably would've run away from them as best I could! I suffered loss, too much change at once, and well... a case of the plain ol' hurt heart. But, as I continued to reflect and think about all the bad, the Lord kept reminding me of the good. Thank you Jesus! I can look back with joy overflowing because of ALL that God has done. From personal victories with weight loss, to exciting adventures, to being fully funded to make a project that I have wanted to make since high school. So many good things.
And then I remember... all these moments - the good ones and especially the bad ones - are really ALL good. While in the moment I've nursed deep, searing wounds and felt their effects weeks and months after, I still realize that they've shaped me, matured me, sharpened me, and made me trust and believe that God is in control even more than I ever did. What isn't good about that?
So, as I look forward to an exciting 2014, I wanted to pass on a few updates about my project that would NOT have been possible without the help of many generous people, whether it be financially, prayerfully, or just in mere support of what I believe God has called me to do:
My heart resonates with great lyrics and, thanks to my good friend and talented producer/songwriter Kyle Cummings (as well as other writers), this project is chock FULL of powerful, hopeful, and life-giving lyrics. They point to the God who does have the world in His hands as well as my heart when it's breaking. No, there is nothing wasted in God's economy. Every bit of it He uses to create beautiful things... including these songs! The 6 songs sound great already and they haven't even been finished yet!
Kyle and his REALLY talented musician friends in Nashville are working on all of the instrumentals as you read this email. I find it hard not to wish for the talent these guys have just in their pinky. The Lord has put together an awesome band that will make incredible music out of these songs. I'm honored they've chosen to attach their name and talent to my EP.
And finally.... I've booked my trip to Nashville! I'm scheduled to travel there at the end of January. We'll be in the studio for at least 4 days, and have a lot to accomplish in the few days I'm there.
With that said... here are a few immediate prayer requests:
1) Pray for Kyle. Yes, this is his job and he's totally used to being the brains behind the operation, but I'm sure he wouldn't be offended or hurt by a few extra prayers being lifted up for him. He's keeping a hundred things organized, playing, hiring musicians, recording, tweaking lyrics, and working with technology that can fail - all while answering my silly questions at any point in the day. (That's probably enough of a prayer in itself... that I don't drive him crazy! haha)
2) Pray for the musicians as they are busy working on the stuff I am incapable of doing. Thank God for people who are smarter and more talented than I! Pray that their music will be more than just great playing, but that it'll come from the overflow of love for the Lord.
2) Safe travels. I'll be flying, driving all over Nashville, and staying in a hotel for a week, etc.
3) My health. I am notorious for getting terribly ill right around this time of year. For the past three years, doing a recording in January would have been an absolute joke! Pray that the Lord keeps me well, and that my voice will be clear of any unwanted rasp. Pray that my voice will be energized and in the best condition possible for a jam-packed week of singing my guts out. :)
So am I excited about 2014?! You betcha! But I look back and thank God for the woman He worked on in 2013. Thanks again for all your support! May God be glorified in all things this next year... Whatever may come!