Introduction and Explanation
This is me.....
but not the "girly", "dramatic", "boy crazy" me.
This blog serves as the window to my soul. There will be included some of my most intimate times with the Lord. What the Lord is teaching me, what He's showing me through His Word.
Nothing in this blog will be apart from that. If it is..... I will delete it.
I just think I need to start writing some of this down. I'm not very good with Journals... They end up being written in once, then laid aside, collecting dust, until about 6 months later, I pull it out, excited to start journaling, and then depressed after a week, figuring out that I'm not that good at it.
However, I have been very good in the past about keeping up with a blog. And, considering that these are a lot of my quiet times, and some of my "loud times", (Okay, corny, but sometimes the Lord yells at me...) I should be able to keep this thing going.
So if you have any questions, or you're encouraged, perhaps even discouraged by what I've found, leave comments. I'll try to get back to ya...
Saved by Grace,