Jungle Gym Church
So I've been kind of frustrated with some things I've heard about the Body of Christ lately. I think my biggest problem is that we keep forgetting that we are collectively the Bride of Christ, and that we are essentially one body. That's not just within one church... I think we're so focused on "our church", that we have no problems tearing down the church across the way because they do things a little differently than we do.... Do you realize how awful this is??? We're tearing our brothers and sisters apart, when we are told to encourage and help them. In the Bible you see time and time again, that the believers were referred to collectively. Not individual groups. Yes there were "centers" that were regional locations for the believers to gather, but it wasn't like the good old South, with a church on every corner...
I was talking to a good friend of mine, and the mental picture hit me all of a sudden. I think the Body of Christ is like a dome shaped jungle gym... Look at the picture and you might agree. There are central points that I consider individual churches... They're places that people can really grab onto and find some solidity. Now between each center, there are bars that branch off to other centers. If one bar is missing, the dome is deemed unsafe for children to play on. If one bar is bent, the whole structure is weakened and cannot sustain much. Make sense???
We are to be encouraging and edifying the believers. It's absolutely imperative, and necessary....

I was talking to a good friend of mine, and the mental picture hit me all of a sudden. I think the Body of Christ is like a dome shaped jungle gym... Look at the picture and you might agree. There are central points that I consider individual churches... They're places that people can really grab onto and find some solidity. Now between each center, there are bars that branch off to other centers. If one bar is missing, the dome is deemed unsafe for children to play on. If one bar is bent, the whole structure is weakened and cannot sustain much. Make sense???
We are to be encouraging and edifying the believers. It's absolutely imperative, and necessary....
